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3.II.2004 :::: 16.39

passing along the chain diary entry:

Instructions: 1. Copy this whole list into your journal.2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

got it from might, who got it from bootsy, who got it from tec, who got it from trains, who got it from the new momma! who got it from someplace no one can remember.

01. i'm right-handed. it's not something i have an opinion or preference about

02. i spend increasingly less & less time in front of computers & this is oddly fine with me.

03. i love to read.

04. i would like to work around intelligent life forces, but that is far from the present situation.

05. i am obsessive about language, to the point of pedantry and absolute annoyingness.

06. iam able to cook things people like without following recipes.

07. I am an escapist

08.i have never owned contact lenses because i have a fear of touching my own eyes. my specs are black-chic-geek, equipped with rhinestone accents. rhinestones!

09. things i will always talk about include: food, grammar, colors i like, music & books i like, and why women are biologically superior to men.

10. I like cats, especially when they tear around the house for no reason

11. and dogs

12. i laugh in my sleep sometimes.

13. I've never been to Bermuda, nor do I have interest in going.

14. i've been to japan & to a mexican border town, & to lots of places all over the continental US. some art historian i am: i have never been to europe.

15. i have an incredible sense of direction, but frighteningly poor depth perception.

16. i enjoy a variety of musical styles, and i don't trust people who stick to one genre.

17. i am extremely shy, which sometimes leads people to think i don't like them.

18. i like to go for long walks, but i haven't been doing that lately.

19. i take pills every day.

20. i can be an early morning person, and i can be a late night person, but i am useless in the afternoon.

21. i have several body piercings. i used to have more. i don't change the jewelry out much.

22. i tend to ask for tiny favors ("can you turn the porch light on, on your way out?") as if they were herculean endeavors.

23. i have problems letting people into my life. i could tell you why, but i'd rather not get into it.

24. i like being female.

25. i am a feminist, a liberal, a pacifist, a catholic-worker-type catholic, and all sorts of other leftist things that are supposed to be so unattractive these days.

26. i'm not an alchemist, but when i was 16 i wrote a sestina about becoming one.

27. i try to answer any direct questions people ask me about myself, but i rarely volunteer that kind of information.

28. my family is pretty close

29. i like to have things clean & orderly, but i hate to put forth the effort.

30. i like doing laundry. (instantly gratifying, & good-smelling too.)

31. i have controversial and conflicting beliefs about animal rights which relate to my feelings about saint francis of assisi.

32. i love baby animals

33. i want an explanation for everything, but i love ambiguity anyhow.

34. i am a hardcore homebody.

35. i hate the word "tolerance".

36. i think outsourcing is killing our country and its economy, and i think more workers should organize.

37. i hope the democrats can come up with a good candidate, and i am ashamed of my growing skepticism about the political process in general.

38. i like to experiment to see how many conversations i can follow at a time � say, at work, or on the bus, or in line at the grocery store.

39. i went through that late-adolescent distancing-from-my-parents schtick, & only now am i really becoming friends with them again. it's a nice development.

40. i am an alpha female, but i'd rather not be.

41. i really enjoy thoughtful gifts.

42. i hate to drive, and got my license a little less than three months ago.

43. i am a shit-poor liar.

44. i smoked cigarettes just a few times, at kenyon, right around the time i holed myself up in caples for a year.

45. i daydream about being a housewife sometimes.

46. i am currently listening to palace brothers.

47. i am extremely good with kids, have a background in child clinical psych research, and am extremely conflicted about whether i want children and whether i would be a good parent.

48. i have cable, and enjoy it, but i think i could live happily without television.

49. i think the lack of courtesy and empathy are sucking the soul out of the united states.

50. there have been periods in my life when i slept 15+ hours a day.

51. i like silence, but i also really like fuzzed-out guitars.

52. i like other people to drive me around.

53. getting my head rubbed makes me feel happy and peaceful.

54. i don't know how to garden, but i've grown vegetables before.

55. i like getting my hands dirty, especially when it is from eating with my hands or from building things or from spilling ink on myself.

56. i own a bunch of makeup and facial lotion/wash but rarely use the majority of it.

57. i own so much tea that i have a whole cabinet devoted to it.

58. i am an obsessive book and music purchaser.

59. i am a reluctant member of the mile high club.

60. i am a bona fide, diagnosed obsessive-compulsively-disordered type of lady.

61. i am employed, though my clinic was just defrauded to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars, & we don't know if we can stay open.

62. ideologically, i am in the minority in my workplace.

63. deep down inside, i don't know whether i like myself, though i think i am a pretty good person.

64. if i have children, i want to home school them. we even have a tentative homeschool collective lining up, for our nonexistent children.

65. in high school, i had a recurring nightmare in which this kid who played trumpet in marching band was a serial killer. he used scissors to kill people. i was in marching band, too.

66. i like to people watch.

67. when people know a lot about a subject, i ask them questions about it constantly.

68.i love to dance, but i don't like to go out dancing

69. crowds unsettle me. no, wait, they terrify me.

70. i have never ingested an illegal substance. i didn't drink alcohol until i was 21.

71. i tend to idealize androgyny

72. i am horrible about mailing things.

73. i am afraid of the current leader of this country, in an almost paranoiac way.

74. i can say no, but usually i don't say anything.

75. once my boss asked me if i liked to keep my eyes open or closed during sex.

76. sex? yes, please

77. i ran into the first person i slept with, very unexpectedly, at a belle & sebastian concert a couple months ago. he doesn't live here. he doesn't live near here. he was just there, looking exactly the same only with sharp, stylish glasses.

78. i like to mail-order vibrators for my friends.

79. the possibility of gwb being president again makes me really really angry and heartsick

80. i heart online diaries, though i have been bad about keeping up with mine.

81. I have a younger brother & a cadre of friends.

82. i think i have come to terms with my pharmaceutical regimen.

83. i love baths.

84. i've recently decided i really like my ass.

85. i already knew most of my fellow diarists before they joined diaryland.

86. I daydream constantly.

87. i don't date.

88. i wish i could make a living from my talents for spelling and knowing things about verbs.

89. i am on friendster, but have no interest in it whatsoever.

90. i once had a rat who liked to sleep in the cuffs of my pants.

91. i am superstitious, in a little-old-lady-from-the-old-country-dressed-in-black-with-a-hunchback-and-a-warty-chin kind of way.

92. i believe that i can trace my desire for coke-can red hair to a childhood spent listening to my mother explain that, because red hair runs rampantly in my father's family, she was dismayed, disappointed, to look down on my birthday & see my dark scalp crowning.

93. i carry a cell phone for work. work pays for it.

94. i love email.

95. i bet it's probably really annoying, the way i am really snotty & elitist & yet point out people's judgmental tendencies left & right.

96. sometimes, i just want people to drop everything & take care of me.

97. i like to help people.

98. i don't know much about my family as my lineage creeps backward in time. i mostly know about my contemporary family members, spreading out as if on the surface of something.

99. i can do the sunday new york times crossword puzzle, in ink, and finish without a mistake.

100. i am only occasionally funny, and i love to laugh.