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29.III.2004 :::: 14.32

i've just emerged (early, the first day is always early) from ASL where the instructor informed us, broadly, to earnest laughter from my fellow students, that the only men who become ASL interpreters are either Children Of Deaf Adults or gay.

ha ha ha!

the shy bits of me & the activist bits of me are warring.

but on wednesday after we have started Learning, & she has beheld my brilliance, & she knows i am a nice lady, i will go up to her & remind her of the similarities between making sweeping generalizations about the queer community & making them about the deaf one.

oh yes & she insinuated that english has no pluperfect. & no genitive case. & no subjunctive. why don't interpreters have basic linguistics requirements?


  1. i am re-reading titus groan in preparation for reading the other two gorgmenghast novels. i will probably give up on this project as my spring fever rises & rises. who wants to read about unpleasant people in a dank castle? apparently i do.
  2. i found my specs. they were where all be-rhinestoned spectacles should be, to wit behind the bag of gardening supplies on a dark shelf in the basement.
  3. i am knitting. i am knitting a bright green & yellow bag. i will carry novels & headphones in it, most likely. & probably more pens than any woman could possibly need in a given year, all at once.
  4. knit as verb or especially adjective (or past-participle) is one of my favorite english words. in fact i believe it to be an excellent delegate for the kick-ass actually-english non-latinated section of our vocabulary.
  5. re my spectacles i suspect elves.