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31.III.2004 :::: 15.52

i always get really snotty & snarky when i know more than my teachers on topics that by rights should be theirs. i shivered & screeched in my chair every time my high school spanish teacher used "cognate" & "loanword" interchangeably. today i sat on my hands when my ASL teacher equated creoles with pidgin languages.

seriously, if your job is interpreting & teaching language, you should be tied down & forced to learn some really, really basic linguistics.

i am such a snot-head.

my mother shoved the davinci code at me when we went down to the cabin a few weeks ago. she said, I KNOW YOU THINK THIS WILL BE BENEATH YOU. AND IT IS. but she said to read it anyway.

here is my review of the davinci code. it is a fine thing to read if you are on vacation & like books with short chapters & plot twists (i do). i am glad that i don't give two hoots about any italian painting that happened between giotto & caravaggio. i mean, if someone wrote the c�zanne conundrum or the willem & elaine dekooning adventure hour i would consider flaying myself.

again, this is because i am a snot-head.

know thyself, ha, i scoff.

oh, tomorrow my brother & his rock&roll friends are invading my house. i'm all bubbly & excited. my brother he is tha bomb. i will proudly display my knitting. we will eat pizza. or chinese food. or cake. there may or may not be the swapping of novels.

there should be. dear jonathan, bring your copy of quicksilver okay?